By Law amendment #1 - From Dave Gilmour regarding the make-up of the nomination committee this is for housekeeping.

Reason for amendment: The nominations committee currently consists of the Vice President, the Past President and a club member​. This proposed amendment eliminates any conflict of interest of the executive when terms are up for election.

Proposed amendment # 1
SECTION ___F__                                             Item:       1  Nominations Committee

Which currently reads: 
At the February regular meeting a Nomination Committee will be set up by the Executive. This Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President, the Vice President and one member from outside the Executive.

Amendment to read:
At the February meeting a Nomination Committee will be struck by the Executive consisting of three members of the Membership At Large.

VOTE:    YES____    NO ____



By Law amendment #2 - From Dave Gilmour regarding the term of the Past President:: this is for housekeeping

Reason for amendment: Currently there is no term  listed for the Past President position. There are terms  listed for all other members of the executive. This proposed amendment provides a term  -- it is not an elimination of the Past President position but rather a clarification of it.

Proposed amendment # 2
SECTION ____    F                            Item:                      3

Which currently reads:
The term of office for the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer will be two (2) years.

Amendment to read:
The term of office for the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer will be two (2) years. The term of office for the Past President will be one year from the time the President Elect starts his/her term.

VOTE:    YES____    NO ____


By Law amendment #3 - From Dave Gilmour regarding the removal of the bylaw requiring set amount of attendance to apply for specialties.

The reason for revoking the amendment put in place last year is that this is causing clubs that have been putting on specialties for years to all of a sudden justify their dedication to the club by attending meetings instead of the countless hours required to organize a specialty let alone the running of it. We have already lost two regional specialties this year. The one club, the bylaw confused them so that they removed their application and when they were told they were grandfathered in because they had filed before the new bylaw came into effect  they did not want to go ahead with the hassle of the all breed club having to amend its event application. As it stands right now Bev still has problems getting into meetings and may not be able to attend enough to qualify.  The second Club is one in Quebec where Deb has been trying to get into meetings for over a year and cannot due to computer issues.  She now has a new computer and hopefully that may help in the future
If this bylaw stays in place we are about to see any national in the west become extinct. One example is I recently talked to Shiela Verhulst  and if she wanted to hold a specialty she could not as she cannot get on even with Mary trying to walk her through it on the phone. We are a national club and we are required to have the national move about. Most people in the west are at an extreme disadvantage to attend meetings as they sometimes are not even home from work when the meetings start.

Proposed amendment #  3
SECTION ____    N                           Item:  Regional Specialties

Which currently reads:
... Only members in good standing (having completed probationary period and accepted as full members) that have attended (3) club meetings (Sept. to June) shall be eligible to apply for a Regional or National Specialty,  This would apply for Regional Specialties that are applied for from 2015 onward and excludes the 2015 and 2016 National Specialties already awarded.

Amendment to read:
The amendment is to remove the above clause

VOTE:    YES____    NO ____

By Law amendment #4 - From Dave Gilmour regarding the duties of Past President - this is for housekeeping

Reason for amendment: Currently there are no duties listed for the Past President position. There are duties listed for all other members of the executive. This proposed amendment provides duties to go with the position.

Proposed amendment #  4
SECTION __A___                                             Item:       Duties of the Executive 

Which currently reads: 
* NOTE This section covers duties for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording  Secretary & Corresponding Secretary.

Amendment to read:
The Past President duties are to consult with the Newly elected President in an advisory capacity.

VOTE:    YES____    NO ____